Brushing your teeth is something we do daily, but are we doing it correctly? The significance of proper tooth brushing cannot be overstated – it is the primary line of defence against oral health issues like tooth decay and gum disease. This guide will walk you through the proper way to brush your teeth to ensure good oral hygiene and a dazzling smile.

The Proper Way to Brush Your Teeth

  1. Get the right tools: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste recommended by dentists. Fluoride toothpaste helps to protect your teeth from decay.
  2. Use the correct amount of toothpaste: Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to your toothbrush.
  3. Start brushing: Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums, and use short back-and-forth strokes across the sides and tops of your teeth. Then, hold the brush vertically and use several shorter strokes to focus on the backs of your teeth or front anterior teeth where plaque builds up often.
  4. Brush for the right amount of time: Dentists recommend brushing for two minutes, twice a day. Consider using a timer to ensure you’re brushing long enough. Some electric toothbrushes also have timers equipped.
  5. Don’t forget your tongue: Brushing your tongue helps remove bacteria from your mouth and enhances your breath.
  6. Rinse your mouth and toothbrush: After brushing, rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash. Also, rinse your toothbrush thoroughly and allow it to air-dry.
  7. Replace your toothbrush regularly: Dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles are frayed. A worn toothbrush won’t do an excellent job of cleaning your teeth.

Remember, regular dental check-ups and good brushing and flossing habits are crucial for maintaining oral health.

How Long and How Often Should I Brush Teeth?

Dentists recommend that you should brush your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day. Ideally, this should be done after breakfast and before going to bed. It’s also beneficial to brush your teeth after meals whenever possible.

Keep in mind that brushing more than three times a day could be harmful to your teeth, as over-brushing can wear down the enamel.

When Should I Brush My Teeth?

The best time to brush your teeth is after meals and before bed. Brushing right after you wake up in the morning and just before you go to bed at night helps to prevent acid build-up and bacteria growth that occur overnight.

Also, if possible, after meals, particularly after consuming sugary or acidic food or drinks, brushing can help to remove plaque and prevent tooth decay.

However, wait at least 30 minutes after eating before you brush, as acids can weaken the enamel, making it susceptible to damage from brushing.

Should I use an electric or manual toothbrush?

The choice between an electric and a manual toothbrush is primarily based on personal preference. Both types can effectively clean your teeth. Electric toothbrushes may make brushing easier, requiring less manual movement, and they often have built-in timers that can ensure you brush adequately.

On the other hand, manual toothbrushes are less expensive and easier to travel with. Whichever type you choose, the key to maintaining your oral health is proper, regular use.

In conclusion, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for overall health and confidence in your smile. Whether you use an electric or manual toothbrush, the key is to ensure that you’re using proper brushing techniques and routines.

Here at Fairmont Dental Centre in London, ON, we are committed to helping you maintain and improve your oral health. For any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our family dentists at 519-451-4490. Remember, your smile is our priority!